Support Services

MMUA offers a variety of services to assist members in addressing the challenges of running a municipal utility. Here are a few examples. If you don’t see what you need, call or email us (scroll to the bottom for our contact information). We will do our best to help you.

Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortium

The MMUA Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortium was created in 1995 to meet the federal Department of Transportation (now Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) drug and alcohol testing requirements found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 49 CFR, Part 382.  All local government units that employ commercial driver’s license holders must comply with these regulations.

The Consortium has developed a Substance Abuse Prevention Program to assist member employers in meeting these federal requirements. Consortium members take advantage of group prices for laboratory, Medical Review Officer (MRO), and drug testing services; enjoy benefits of central billing services; and pool employees for the purpose of random testing.  At last count, over 1,200 Minnesota municipal CDL holders were enrolled in the MMUA random testing pool.

To help members succeed, MMUA provides training support for required supervisory training. MMUA staff is always available to help answer questions and help resolve any concerns.

Contact Joe Schmidt for more information.

Strategic and Operational Planning

Most utilities are adept at financial planning year to year, and even at planning for capital expenditures over many years. Are you as successful at holistically planning for the future of the utility? Have you engaged your stakeholders and built a comprehensive plan that takes things like community relations, education, workforce development, increased sustainability, and related topics into account?

MMUA can help with this. With a project tailored to your needs, we can assist you with research, data analysis, facilitation of planning sessions, and creation of your customized strategic plan. We can also help you translate that plan into operational objectives with measurable outcomes and a reporting process that provides transparency for everyone. Contact Karleen Kos to discuss your needs.

Human Resources and Administration

MMUA’s Human Resources team is here to help. Here are a few of the services we provide to MMUA members. Contact Shelly Dau for more information. 

  • Annual salary and benefits survey—results are free to members who participate
  • Periodic webinars on topics of interest to municipal utilities—free to members
  • Roundtable discussions on hot HR topics at MMUA conferences
  • Ad hoc consultation on policies, procedures, and implementation issues
  • Development of customized team-building programs for your utility or city